The Science of God

The 0zero

In Scientific Mathematics, Zero mean Atom.

First in the World

The Series of 0zeros Challenge Websites

0angles    0black    0science    0analog    0digital   


Arabic & Sanskrit

zero is Hero

Science & Technology

Hindu Arabic Number System

It has four acts in Arabic Numerology

Difference between Science and Technology

How Originated the Sanskrit Alphabets?

Initial Zero, Terminal Zero, Numeral Zero, System Zero 

Numerical Science & Technology

Sanskrit English                     Sanskrit Urdu

Zero is an actor and 4 acts of Zero

Practical Not Book



Democritus, Dalton,  J. J. Thmson,  Neils Bohr, Rutherford. Not inventor  of Atom or Electrons.   New  scientists  do  not  know how discovered the Atom, 

But they give the avoidance that they brooked the Atom. Fist of all they tell us how they discovered the Atom. If they didn't know,  how  can  we  believe  that they brooked   the atom. How Arab Scientist  brooked the Atom and divide it in Ten Particles and classifieds the every parts degree wise in Arabic Numerology, Modern Scientist, Philosopher,  Scholar,  College  &  University Teacher,  Math Dr  &  Mathematicians,  do not know " The Science & Technology of Zero",  Discovery of Atom  & Difference between Number & Numerals. ETC

Zero is Indian Number is false history, Zero not a number, numeral or digit. In Arabic Numerology, this is symbol eleven. and code of nothingness, (Sifer La).



Numerical Science Researcher

Munawar Butt