In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful


-:Note:- Do not count Sheep are Goats in Numeration




of  Black Zero




Western Number Technology

1   2   3

4   5   6

7   8   9




Number Technology






Chinese Number Technology



















Number Technology











Number Technology





Roman Number Technology

I      II      III

IV     V    VI





























Challenge Website

Zero is an Actor


Arab Physicist counted the Orbital, Angle, Atom, Molecule and particles of an Atom and parts of permanent magnet cube and he originated the ten scientific numeral geometrical symbols in his Numeration. He made the structure of number one by ten numerals. In math 10 in 1.

Difference between old Arabic number system and new Atomic numeral system.

Heu-god Number Symbols

Old Arabic Number Technology


New Arabic Numeral Technology



:-   Rope or Belt between small and big Wheel. See the picture of ancient counting machine

Note: Western researcher and mathematicians, see that code in spinning machine.

How Arab  technologist made the number sires  on machine and originated the code of number Ten. That is not Heel Bone. Correct that code in your books. See more explanation in my that website.

Old Arabic Number System

My all sites are Challenge Sites.

Spinning Wheel Technology

New Arabic Number and Numeral System

Wheel: 2

Number Counting  Wheel

Do not use Negative And Positive Signs on symbols. Because this Arabic number system is unlimited and five negative and five positive numerals made one number  together. For that numbers do not have polarity or negative positive are equal,

Work numeration

in the form of increase:  

(Output) "Work"

0 +1 = 1  

1 + 1 =2 

2 + 1 = 3----------

8 + 1 = 9

9 + 1 = 0 Work 1

Technology of Zero

Code of Spinning Wheel

Converting Numerals in Number System Machine



Ancient Numerical Science & Technology

Fig 1

Wheel: 1

Numeral Counting Wheel

The Energy Wheel is System of Zero Ten. Division of Wheel  in ten compartments. Ten compartments  of Wheel and  fill Ten Digits are Numerals 1to  0+ . These all numerals have physical body and these part or particles of an system.

Atom, Magnet Molecule,

Energy numeration

in the form of decrease:

(Input) "Energy" 

0 - 1 = 9  

9 - 1 = 8

8 - 1 = 7----------

2 - 1 = 1

1 - 1 = 0 "Empty" Nothing

Zero is an Actor

Technology of Zero

Zero is an actor. It has four acts in Arabic Numerology.

No 1: Initial Zero  

No 2: Terminal Zero

No 3: Numeral Zero Ten

No 4: System Zero Ten

Explanation  (in Arabic System)


Zero Nothing

Pointer is shone Zero Nothing  This zero is eleven symbol of Arabic numerology.

The pointer is shone the  empty place between 1- and 0+. The pointer is shone the starting point of numeral one and terminal point of zero plus. Acts of pointer are twin. Before one (1) it is initial zero of  one and after zero positive, it is terminal zero nothing.   These are twin zeros but do not have any value and do not have natural physical body, don't discover these zeros. Discovery of Zero Nothing is false History. Historians do not know science and technology of number and numeral system.


No 1:  Initial Zero

In numeral system,  before starting the number series on a machine. the pointer is shown the empty place between two digits. It's mean that place is empty.  Place of initial Zero in Line Level: Writing as Arabic, Right to Left as machine energy wheel.

Work System (output)

Code of Spinning Wheel

              3   2     1 Wheels

 O O . O

                                 Initial Zero 0   1  .   0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  initial Zero


         Initial Zero 0   1   Number Counting


                         -------------------2   1  0  initial Zero

                         <----I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I----< Numeral counting


Only one time use in Line Level or in Number Series Like that: initial Zero 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.

Fig: 1      Spanning Wheel Machine. Do not use modern counter to understanding the Arabic Numerology. This is Spinning Wheel Technology. Converting the Numerals in Number System.

Right hand Wheel is Called Energy Wheel. Put the Energy and get Work. Numerals or Energy input of machine and Numbers are output of Machine. This System is called Power Energy and Work. Initial Zero is a code of "Nothing". This is the  symbol  Eleven, witch used for a tool to explaining the machine position. Pointer of Machine not a number or numeral. only show the position of the Spinning Wheel.


No 2:  Terminal Zero

Wheel Theory: ( Number Technology )

Terminal zero in number technology:  0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  initial zero nothing 

                                                        <-------------------< (11 symbols & direction, is technology

Any time terminal zero came, write it to left side of the valuable number symbol.

Example:    10  100  1,000   1505   1004  these all zeros are terminal zeros.


Terminal Zero

Code of Spinning Wheel

             4   3   2     1 Wheels

Number Wheels O O O . O Numeral Wheel

                              Initial Zero  0   1   0  .  0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Initial Zero


     Initial Zero 0 1 0 . 0 Terminal Zeros

Number Ten

        Counter Reading:-  10 Numbers or 100 Numerals



Number: 10

1 x 10 x 10 = 100 Numerals  0r   100/10 = 10 Numbers


(Note) When converting the numerals in number system, technologist don't used the polar value and valuable zeros in his number system, for that first zero is initial zero and after nine is terminal zero, in Spinning Wheel System, please note it, two acts of zero. 


Work System (output)

Number System

Nothing 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0   Ten Digits


                                           Initial Zero  0--1----------------------9--0 Terminal Zero (nothing)





No 3:  Numeral Zero Ten +  (Positive)

Work numeration in the form of increase:  (Output) 

Value, In technology 1/10 or 0.1 a part of system.  In molecule orbital, polar value positive, natural value in numeral technology 0+ or 0.1 and place value five+ or ten+. Its Numeric, Degree and Directional symbols are changed during different Operations. This zero is a part of an system.

It has natural physical body. + positive sign is shone that it is a part of positive region of system,  magnet, atom or molecules are have positive and negative signs. Numbers do not have polar signs.

See the numeral Wheel: 1.  The pointer of machine is shone the empty place between two digit, numeral one and numeral zero. This is the starting point of the Wheel.


Work System


    Numeral Zero   09+------------------2-  1-   


                Terminal Zero    0-----------------------------0 Initial Zero


No 4: System Zero Ten or Trigger or Drifter Zero Ten

Power and Energy

Energy numeration in the form of decrease: (Input).

All the numeral symbols related with "Zero ten". Zero ten is the base of numeral system. A numeral is a part of Zero ten, So ten atom made a binding on the central atom. The name of central atom is "zero level". See The Science & Technology of Zeros.


In old  time  the  trigger zero ten was used  in  the  spinning wheel, for two purpose, trigging and drifting  the  second wheel by the first wheel.  This is  the technology. Made the number system sires  is  technology, not science.  The  trigger  technology  today  using  in  computer technology.  All the numeral or number are triggers,  but trigger zero ten used by specially trigging for many purpose in wheel system  and  electronics. Trigger zero ten,  trig symbol nine and convert it in zero nothing on first wheel and at a time it trig second  wheel and convert the zero nothing into symbol one. Discovery of zero ten is science but drifting or trigger zero ten is technology, its using in machines. A machine convert the zero ten, by trigger zero ten into a  bundle of one, to left side  on  the  wheel or display unit. So trigger ten is a mechanical switching system, it is not a number or numeral only a system of technology  and  zero  ten  always  in  hidden, not showing in number system or in numeral system. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+0=100 trigger ten

Work of trigger ten: 100 = 1  (reading on machine 1 . 0 ). digit one, but represent ten digits in number one(0.10 in 1). Zero ten and  numeral ten always hidden in number system.


Power and Energy System

                      System Zero Ten  010---------------------2  1   0 Terminal Zero




  100 - 1 = 9    ( 9 - 1 = 8 )---------------------------------------->2 - 1 = 1    (1 - 1 = 0 nothing)


Wheel two is number counting wheel. Pointer is shone initial zero of number one (1). This zero is called " Zero Nothing ". This place of zero ten, But technologists are shone zero nothing and zero ten in hidden. Zero ten has many names in numerology.

Example, system zero ten, zero ten, trigger, drifter, and hidden zero ten.


Arabic Sheep Number System

Modern Telephonic System


            Initial Zero  0--1--2------------------- 9--010




           0 + 1 = 1  ( 1 + 1 = 2 ) --------------------------------------------8 + 1 = 9    ( 9 + 1 = 0 Zero Ten )


 010  = 1 Number  (act five)



Brief History of Mathematics 1,000 B. C

Structure of Number one

Measurement Instruments

Number and Numerals Technology (Line Level: 1 ).

Explanation of System Zero, Terminal Zero, Initial Zero and Numeral Zero Ten in line level.

                        Initial Zero  0----------------Structure of Number One-----------------1.0 Number

                  System Zero Ten  0-----------------------------------------------------------0 Terminal zero

                              >------I--0+--I--9+--I--8+--I--7+--I--6+--I--5---I--4---I--3---I--2---I--1---I-->Ten Digits   

Numeral Zero Ten                    Numeral with  -/+ polar signs on polar line,

                                                     Simple line with Number Symbols without polar signs.

       System Zero Ten  0 - 0+ = 9  ( 9 - 9+ = 8 )---------------------1 - 1 = 0 Terminal zero nothing


Pair Production

Line Level: 2

Measurement Instruments

               0+  9+  8+  7+  6+    1-   2  3-   4-    5numeral system

   -----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----Line level

         +.----------------->1<----------------O -  number (1).



The Philosophy of Zero

This is very interesting philosophy, for modern scholars if they understand it. " We are not magicians or God, We don't have some, but we convert it in some. Starting the numeration to zero nothing is impossible. This is very dangerous theory in old time. Many mathematicians were killed to telling about that theory. The philosophy of zero very dangerous for scientist. That was Religions problems, not my topic, but the Religions thinker misguided the people against the scientists and stopped the science of many hundreds year, in all over the world, not only west. After appearing the Islam, the Muslim scientist educate the people to science. Muslim scientist converted the ancient science in modern science which we know today. They told the people, if you have some, convert it in different some, if you have nothing, you are not powerful to convert it some. Because we are not magician or God. 

Experiment: If we start the numeration to zero like that: 0, 1, 2,------------9, that is the challenge, that we have nothingness but we are able to convert it in some. Because zero is like as empty basket. like that way, the zero "0" basket is empty. How we can show 1 2 3 or something? 1 2 3 are symbols or cods; represents the some, kids do not understand that philosophy. If we tell them, that we have a big "0" basket and ten eggs in this basket. Now we start to counting eggs like that: 01 02 03 04-----------09 010 Kids easily understand numeration.

All eggs are ten, on the eggs cods are different shapes. These codes tell us the place of eggs or place value. Now we are counting  like that: 0 = 1 individually value of each egg:- So I I I I I I I I I I ten ones represent ten eggs. One stroke represent  one egg. Ten strokes represent ten eggs. 


                                                       Symbols Quantity, Value and place value:

numeral zero, (value 1) place value; ten ;  0    9    8    7    6    5    4     3   2    1    symbols

                                              ten digits ;  I     I     I     I    I     I     I     I    I     I    strokes

  zero represents molecule, atom, wheel ;  0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0   0    0    eggs

we have ten valuable numeral symbols, each symbol value in numeral system is 0.1. Value of basket is 0.10 in math.

(Note): basket is not numeral; we open the basket and made numerals, after preparing the numerals. Zero "0" is empty basket. "Sunya" Void.

Now what is the purpose of empty basket or void zero. The expert number technologist how originated the numeral symbols, he developed  the eleven symbol to his number and numeral systems.


Number system writing:    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 It is necessary that, you tell about number ten, how much symbol are used for number ten. The structure of number ten by one symbol are by two symbols.


Difference between  numeral symbols writing and numeral system writing.


                                                            Wheel Theory

Terminal zero in number technology:  0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  initial zero nothing 

                                                        <-------------------< (11 symbols & direction, is technology


(Note) When converting the numerals in number system, technologist don't used the polar value and valuable zeros in his number system, for that first zero is initial zero and after nine is terminal zero, in Spinning Wheel System, please note it, two acts of zero. 


                                                      ( + + + + + -  - -  -  - )

Numeral symbols writing:              0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1  Ten Digits


                                                        + + + + +    -  - -  -  - 

Numeral system writing:                0 9 8 7 6 0 1 2 3 4 5    See in Line Level: 2  (11: Symbols).

in two types: No. I                            <--------<>-------->    Polar value on the symbols


 Type: No.2                              Energy Level is decrease

                                                       + + + + + -  - -  -  - 

Numeral zero in number technology:  0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0   (11 symbols & direction, is technology

                                                        >------------------->   See in line Level: 1


Left Hand,  First zero is numeral zero it has positive polarity "value one: 0+ 9+----------2- 1- 0 : This zero don't have polarity or value. So it is empty, it is 0 basket or void zero. This is the symbol eleven and it is not a number, numeral or digit. Numerologist used the zero symbol two times in his numeral system, but in different places. Empty zero represent empty place between the two digits. See old Wheel theory or new  detector wheel theory. How the empty zero work in wheel system. Without that we are not able to create digits.

This basket theory for school students, not for scientists or mathematicians. In atomic numeration we don't tell the theory of basket, we broke the molecule orbital and discovered the atom. After discover  the atom, and break the last atom we will tell about the zero nothing.  In mathematics 1 - 1 = 0, zero as a place holder,  in numerical science, it has no physical body. A tool of numerology, represent empty place or nothingness. This is necessary, that we know about the names of zeros, then we tell the definitions of zero, if we don't know the names of zero, how can we explains the definition of zero. Many zero's are present in  Arabic numerology. 


This is the molecule orbital numeral theory. The theory of magnet cube numeral, atomic numeral and wheel numeral are different theories. Soon next webs on that.

(Note): We have ten valuable numeral symbols, and one symbol of nothing. These eleven symbols are used in numerical science. When developing the number technology, spinning wheel machine collects the ten numerals into number one, every time. Spinning machine make a series of number system. In modern technology its name is "counter". but some is different between counter and spinning wheel machine



Code of Astrologer Numbers Spinning Wheel       ABJD    Number Wheel O . O O O Numerals Wheels       

Only Nine Numbers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   Numbers    

Numerals 1000 = 1 Number    See more detail in that site ABJD Number System


A Challenge Website on "Counting Numeral Angles".

Arabic, Chinese, Persian, Roman, Sanskrit (Hindus) and Western Counting Numeral Angles.

URL: First in the World



Astrologer Numbers     ABJD    Number Wheel O . O O O Numerals Wheels       

Only Nine Numbers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   Numbers    

Numerals 1000 = 1 Number    See more detail in that site ABJD Number System



Munawar butt






Mobile:0312-2497768 Karachi ( Pakistan )



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