The Science and Technology of  Black Zero



 Brief Introduction of Numerical Science


Arabic idea about Num-Symbols 

Script of

Arabic I ,O , . System

Discovery of "Zero" 

Numeral Symbols ( 11,O5, .0 ) has been explained with such elaboration and in such an obvious way in another Numerology, then thos Numerologists can claim to be the inventor of ‘Zero’.


 Symbolic Meaning & Comparisons

Discovery of zero nothing is False History, any body do not discover "nothing". How Arab physicist discover the "Black Zero" (Atom)

See in this Site


Numerical Science

Humans Resources of Energy, In Arabic Scientific Numerals Geometrical Symbols

Arabic Numerology is based upon system of  I1, O5-, .05+  By giving Numeric and Degree  values  to  the  Arabic  Numerals, They  are explained by shapes based upon specific Natural hidden laws and obvious Operations. The surface of  sphere  is  shown  by  Numeral ( O5 )and hidden Operations are denoted by a small dot ( .+ ) ‘Zero’  by  comparing  the  Nucleus  with  hidden  laws.  The  Numeral  1  is added  with  these  Numeral  based  upon  Natural  operations.  No. 1  is  a supposed or artificial linear force. It has been used to supposedly signify the Natural laws by Geometry. Natural systems or Atom is represented by Number or numeral.

Explanation of ( I1, O5-, .5+ ) In Different Operations 

Symbolic Meaning & Comparisons

            Big Spheres        


Wheel Machine 

Numeral ( I ) = Gravity lines, light, heat

Numeral (O) = Surface of Sphere 

Numeral ( . ) = Center positive 

Numeral ( I ) =  Orbital

Numeral (O) =  Electron surface -

Numeral ( . ) =  Nucleus +

Numeral ( I ) = Axle

Numeral (O) = Wheel

Numeral ( . ) = Axis

Symbol one ( I ): It is a supposed Number, Numeral Digit or line,  which  is  convey  one’s  own  ideas  to  others  by  marking  with different Numeric, Degree, and Directional symbols. In Arabic Numerology, it is signified to do many functions. Its Numeric,  Degree and Directional symbols are changed during different Operations. In Numerology, it  is  resembled  with  the distribution  of  Spherical surface, a Natural system or an Atom. Any complete system whether Natural or artificial will be known as a Number. The  Symbol  1 is used to demonstrate the different virtues of rotational arm of force, Kinetic Energy, and magnetic lines of force. The  Symbol  1  has different degree values during different Operations. In Mathematics, the  Numeral  1 is  represented  by  ‘Zero’  and  45o.  It  can  be represented as Positive or Negative, if the direction of motion is known. Its Degree  value  is  Numeral  2  is  90o  Negative,  while  in Numeral 3 its Degree value is 180o. It is changed in Numeral 6, which is a Positive Directional signal. 


Symbol Five: ( O ): The Numeral 5 of Arabic is the surface force of Spherical body. The surface of  nucleus  is  considered  to  be a Negative force, so the Numeral 5 is a Negative force. The Numeral 5  is  obtained  from  the  half  Spherical  surface,  that’s  why  its breakdown/grouping is in 720o- Negative and the Numeric value is designated to be ˝ or 0.5-, Numerology, different Degree  values are assigned to Numerals in different Operations.


Symbol Zero: ( . ): Arab Physicists have divided the combined force of sphere into 2  portions  by  Number  1  and  has  shown  the production of part by multiple division. One portion of the part is called Positive and the other Negative force and the  Numeric  value of both is 5. The Zero 0 is Sphere and Nucleus of an Atom and its force is Positive. The "Zero" 0 is unimaginable central position of a Sphere whose internal nature is discussed in Arabic Numerology. It represents its Kinetic  Energy  upon  division  or  addition.  A  big circle and its center show the surface of Sphere by a small dot. The  force of  both is  equal but  the  polarity  is  different.  There  is  a direction of force. It converts the linear motion into rotational motion and acts as an axis. The Degree value is  360o+  Positive,  720o+ positive, 1440o half negative and half positive or - + equal,  in different Operations.


                                                                      Why modern mathematics base is ten                                               Arabic 1, O, .  System

Arabic Key Board Numeral Symbols:         


Crystal of matter  Zero Ten ;  It has  ten  molecule orbital,  ten  Atoms, ten angles  and  ten shapes  of  matter. For that  " Physicist " originated the " Ten  Numeral  Symbols". All the numeral symbols related  with  "Zero ten".  Zero ten is the base of  numeral system.  A numeral is a part of Zero ten. So ten numerals equal to Zero ten, in mathematics language "0.10 = 1" or ten numerals(10) equal number one(1). 


Science and technology of " Numeral Zero.   

Value,    In  technology  1/10  or  0.1  a  part  of  system  zero  ten. In  molecule  orbital,  polar value positive, natural value in numeral technology  0+ or  0.1and  place  value  five + or ten - +. Its Numeric, Degree and  Directional symbols are changed during different Operations.


Science of black Zero: nucleus, sphere's center, axis of wheel, anti clock wise motion etc. 

"Names" black dot, black zero, numeral zero ten. In technology "hidden numeral zero ten", "not appear on machine".  I explained  the two zeros, who have physical body, but these zeros do not appear on machine, because four zeros partnership on a point. Machine do not  have facility to tell us, how it is working. You use your own mind, and  solved  this  problem. Without  experiment, very difficult  to understand the secrets of four zeros. For that, I say, Zero is an actor, it has four acts in numerology. The symbol of zero one,  but Arab technologist used it for four purpose. Read and remember the acts of "Black Zero".

1: Initial zero nothing, 2:"terminal zero nothing".3: numeral zero ten, and 4:"system zero ten". 


Spinning Wheel Technology:-  how these zeros work in machine. 

Click on Picture


Big Picture


See the picture of drifting

zero ten .


Technology of Spinning Wheel



The Arabic Black Zero

It has four acts in Arabic Numerology

Converting the numerals in number system is technology, its not science. Originated the numeral symbols or shapes is subject of science. 

All over the World mathematicians, do not know the exact theory of zero, and do not tell in his web sites. Because they know only one zero. some time they used the zero before symbol one(0, 1, 2---9) and some used after the symbol nine (1, 2, 3 ---9, 0) they couldn't tell the proper theory of zero. Many man, many talk.


Explanation of Trigger or Drifting Zero                  


In old time the trigger zero ten have used in the spinning wheel, for two purpose. Trigging and drifting the second wheel by the first wheel. This is the technology, while developed the number system. It is not science. The trigger technology  today using in computer technology. All the numeral or number are triggers, but trigger zero ten used by specially trigging for many purpose in wheel system and  electronics. Trigger zero ten, trig symbol nine and convert it in zero nothing on first wheel and at a time it trig second wheel and convert zero nothing into symbol one. Discovery of zero ten is science but drifting or trigger zero ten is technology, its using in machines. A machine convert the zero ten, by trigger zero ten into a bundle of one, to left side on the wheel or display unit.

So trigger ten is a mechanical switching system, it is not a number or numeral only a system of technology and zero ten always in hidden, not showing in number system or in numeral system. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+0=100 trigger ten Work of trigger ten: 100 = 1  (reading on machine 1 . 0 ). digit one, but represent ten digits in number one(0.10 in 1). Zero ten and  numeral ten always in hidden.

Zero Nothing:- How comes in our life

This is very interesting philosophy, for modern scholars if they understand it. " We are not magicians or God, don't have some, but we convert it in some. Starting the numeration to zero nothing is impossible. This is very dangerous theory in old time. Many mathematicians were killed to telling about that theory. The philosophy of zero very dangerous for scientist. That was Religions problems, not my topic, but the Religions thinker misguided the people against the scientists and stopped the science of many hundreds year, in all over the world, not only west. After appearing the Islam, the Muslim scientist educate the people of science. Muslim scientist converted the ancient science in modern science which we know today. They told the people, if you have some, convert it in different some, if you have nothing, you are not powerful to convert it some. Because we are not magician or God. 

Experiment: If we start the numeration to zero like that: 0, 1, 2,------------9, that is the challenge, that we have nothingness but we are able to convert it in some. Because zero is like as empty basket. like that way, the zero "0" basket is empty. How we can show 1 2 3 or something? 1 2 3 are symbols or cods; represents the some, kids do not understand that philosophy. If we tell them, that we have a big "0" basket and ten eggs in this basket. Now we start to counting eggs like that: 01 02 03 04-----------09 010 Kids easily understand numeration.

All eggs are ten, on the eggs cods are different shapes. These codes tell us the place of eggs or place value.

now we are counting  like that: 0 = 1 individually value of each egg:- So I I I I I I I I I I ten ones represent ten eggs. One stroke represent  one egg. Ten strokes represent ten eggs. 


                                                    Symbols Quantity, Numeral Value and Place Value

numeral zero, (value 1) place value; ten ;  0    9    8    7    6    5    4     3   2    1    symbols

                                              ten digits ;  I     I     I     I    I     I     I     I    I     I    strokes

  zero represents molecule, atom, wheel ;  0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0   0    0    Atom or Eggs

we have ten valuable numeral symbols, each symbol value in numeral system is 0.1. Value of basket is 0.10 in math.

(Note): basket is not numeral; we open the basket and made numerals, after preparing the numerals. Zero "0" is empty basket. "Sunya" Void.

Now what is the purpose of empty basket or void zero. The expert number technologist how originated the numeral symbols, he developed  the eleventh symbol to his number and numeral systems.

Number system writing:    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 It is necessary, that you tell about number ten, how much symbol are used for number ten. The structure of number ten by one symbol are by two symbols.


Difference between  numeral symbols writing and numeral system writing.


                                                            Wheel Theory: Technology

Terminal zero in number technology:  0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0  initial zero nothing 

                                                        <-------------------< (11 symbols & direction, is technology


(Note) When converting the numerals in number system, technologist don't used the polar value and valuable zeros in his number system, for that first zero is initial zero and after nine is terminal zero, in Spinning Wheel System, please note it, two acts of zero. 


                                                      ( + + + + + -  - -  -  - )

Numeral symbols writing:              0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1  Ten Digits


                                                        + + + + +    -  - -  -  - 

Numeral system writing:                0 9 8 7 6 1 2 3 4 5    See in Line Level: 2  (11: Symbols).

in two types: No. I                            <--------<>-------->    Polar value on the symbols


 Type: No.2                              Energy Level is decrease

                                                       + + + + + -  - -  -  - 

Numeral zero in number technology:  0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0   11 symbols & direction, is technology

                                                        >------------------->   See in line Level: 1


Left Hand,  First zero is numeral zero it has positive polarity "value one: 0+ 9+----------2- 1- 0 : This zero don't have polarity or value. So it is empty, it is 0 basket or void zero. This is the symbol eleven and it is not a number, numeral or digit. Numerologist used the zero symbol two times in his numeral system, but in different places. Empty zero represent empty place between the two digits. See old Wheel theory or new  detector wheel theory. How the empty zero work in wheel system. Without that we are not able to create digits.

This basket theory for school students, not for scientists or mathematicians. In atomic numeration we don't tell the theory of basket, we broke the molecule orbital and discovered the atom. After discover  the atom, and broke  the last atom we will tell about the zero nothing.  In mathematics 1 - 1 = 0, zero as a place holder,  in numerical science, it has no physical body. A tool of numerology, represent empty place or nothingness. This is necessary, that we know about the names of zeros, then we tell the definitions of zero, if we don't know the names of zero, how can we explains the definition of zero. Many zero's are present in  Arabic numerology. 


This is the molecule orbital numeral theory. The theory of magnet cube numeral, atomic numeral and wheel numeral are different theories. Soon next webs on that.

(Note): We have ten valuable numeral symbols, and one symbol of nothing. These eleven symbols are used in numerical science. When developing the number technology, spinning wheel machine collects the ten numerals into number one, every time. Spinning machine make a series of number system. In modern technology its name is "counter". but some is different between counter and spinning wheel machine technology.


Explanation of System Black Zero Ten and Numeral Zero Ten


Now convert ten eggs basket in a bundle of ten atoms like that" (010) or (100)" this is your choice how to use symbol ten on zero, "left or right". This basket name is  Zero Ten ( 010 ). Ten Atoms in the basket. See discovery of magnet, molecule and atom page. These are baskets of ten energy levels and has one physical body or energy regions are ten. Now open the reigns and made numeral symbols and system. Use mind and geometry, don't use modern machines. C T or C R T. These are not able to tell us about these discoveries.  Discovery of atom or electron related with mind thinking , not related with C T or others modern machines. All the machines do not have mind, like humans mind. Humans made the machines. Modern scientist made the electron microscope, but do not succeed to see the atom. How they saw the electron in ct or c.r.t. Electron is smallest then nucleus to1836 time. They do not able to see Football, but they count the electron, like small tiny bal. Do not see the atom but told the stories in side the atom. Do not know the scientific numerations, but clamed that we are biggest scientist in the World. You are not scientists only  technologists. You are using the Eastern technology, because western do not have own science and technology. 

There is big difference between science and technology. This "Site" is proof that no body know the numerical science in the World.

Forty days I announce my site and I do not write the theory, like this web, no any teacher understand my research in yahoo chat room. But I know many university teachers see my work, but they do not understand that "what is this". 

Because this is numerical science, that is not teach in Collages and Universities. The western teachers divided it in different subjects. Numerical science is containing to many subjects. History of old sciences, mathematics, physics. chemistry, natural geometry and technology.


Power Energy and Work


First we take a molecule crystal "zero ten" and start the developing scientific atomic symbols and numeration.  

(100) is a power, this is digits creator. We spend energy at machines and it give us work from output. Technology of  Scientific numeration is based upon "power, energy and work". 


:Energy and work numeration Laws: he expend the energy and got work, so energy level is decrease and work  level is increase.


Energy numeration in the form of decrease:

"Energy"  100 - 1 = 9,   "(9 - 1 = 8)",   8 - 1 = 7---------------------1 - 1 = 0 "Empty" 


Work numeration in the form of increase:   

"Empty"   0 +1 = 1,    "(1 + 1 =2),   "2 + 1 = 3---------------------9 + 1 = 100 Work 

He expend the energy and got the work. Technologist converted the zero nothing into valuable 010 in work system.


Example: If a car fuel tank empty, how will you get work from the car? First take fuel, than drive the car. Energy & Work related to each other.


Measurement Instruments


Experiment: How would he practically converted the ten numerals in number one?          "on paper work"

Structure of Number one: Ten numerals are equal of number one", in math language, "(0.10 or 010 = 1).

Difficulty: when he distributed the Line in ten particles, eleven vertical stroke appear for ten digits. He had only ten valuable numeral symbols. See, read, think and understand this point, because "this is very important  point in science and technology". If you do not understand that point, its impossible to understand Arabic numerology. 

Solved:  How he Solved the problem. He used the zero symbol two time. First time he used the zero symbol without polarity and any sign, it's mean this zero don't have value. Its name is "zero nothing". This zero do not have physical body and this is not a number, numeral or digit. Only a sign like as +, -, *, /. etc. This is the symbol eleven, which he used the help of  numeral and number systems. Second time he used the polarity able zero, its polarity is positive. Polarity means this zero has physical body. So it has value 0.1 and place value five or ten, so its place value depend on system structure of number one ( 1 ). Numeral symbols represents the numbers but without any polar value. if I write one like that ( 1 ) without polar value its mean, I write the number one, if I write like that ( 1-) its mean I write the numeral one. We have only ten numerals, after the ten all of them is number system, not numeral system. because our modern mathematics base ten. How can we change the base of mathematics'? 

(Note): When we show numerals above ten, it is technology, not science.



  "Divisions of wheel".


Experiment:  Developing the wheel  for Spinning Machine. Click here and see "divisions of wheel".

800 B. C: Theory of spinning wheel". Distributing the wheel in ten partitions. One partition equal one digit, ten partitions equal ten digits. "Zero nothing" represent the empty places between the partitions. This is symbol eleven and starting point of the rotary wheel, its name in modern math " initial zero nothing". Second zero nothing is appear end of the wheel and its name is  "Terminal Zero Nothing". The place of these two zeros are same point on the spinning wheel.

Difficulty: Valuable numeral symbols are ten, vertical stroke are eleven. So ten symbols not enough for eleven vertical strokes.  

Solved the problem: distributed the line in ten parts with vertical strokes, a part of line is a digit. Ten parts of (----) lines or  ten digits, but vertical stroke ( I )are eleven, ten numeral symbols not enough to show eleven stroke, for that he used the "zero nothing" to shown empty stroke or empty place. The code of zero nothing as a tool. He used the zero code two time. Right hand, before starting point on vertical stroke, zero have no polar value, or mark or sign. See left hand, the end of vertical stroke, used the positive sign on zero, that zero have polar value.  

(Note): In number technology, we used non polar zero ( 0 ). Its value nothing. as  a place holder.        

        0+  9+  8+  7+  6+  5-   4-   3  2-   1-   0

>-----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----> Line level


Difficulty of Start Point of the Wheel


Difficulty: The partnerships of  four zeros on starting point in the Spinning Wheel. 


                Numeral ten (value 0.1)  0+  9+  8+  7+  6+   5-  4-   3  2-   1-   individually value of whole  0.1 


                 Terminal zero nothing  0---------------zero ten--------------0    initiate zero nothing 

             System Zero ten, 010 = 0+ + 9+ + 8+ + 7+ + 6+ + 5- +  4- +  3 + 2-  + 1- 

                                    Collect the value of whole numerals and made a bundle of "zero ten".


Now see the end point of the Line Level, three zero appeared. 

No1: "Numeral zero ten ( 0+)". No2: "Terminal zero nothing ( 0 )" and No3: "System zero ten ( 010 )".

These three zeros have partnerships and together meet on last stroke. 

when we twist the line in a circle shape, the four zeros partnership will be appear. Initial zero nothing will  the partnership to other three zeros. Like that four zeros on start point of the wheel. But symbol is one.

Zero is hero, four acts in numerology.

No: 1 "(Initial zero 0). No: 2 (Terminal zero 0) No: 3  (Numeral zero 0+) No: 4 (System zero 100).


Facility: See the symbols of initial and terminal zeros, these two symbols are same, no polar value on it. only difference in name for identification.

When he converted the numerals into number system, That time he converted the "zero ten" in  number (1). 

If we made a spinning wheel, the four zeros appears on the start point of the spinning wheel, initial zero nothing joint partnerships with other three zeros. So like that four zeros appears on the stating point of the spinning wheel. (Ancient time numerologist made the partition of spinning wheel, 5,000 Year ago).


Solved: Before starting the spinning machine, See wheel pointer, which symbols are shown. It is necessary that all pointer shows zero symbols. Make a map of machine on paper like that:  OOOO.O All wheel are same and have ten partition. (difference in movement, 1 : 10 ) First wheel of right hand is numeral or energy wheel. We used kinetic energy on it and machine work. Convert numerals in number system on it. To Understand the zero acts on modern counter is very difficult. For that use spinning wheel. Before starting the machine, write the symbol on paper like that 000.0 this is the starting point of machine. Now the first zero on numeral wheel is initial zero nothing. When we move the wheel , zero symbol is gone ( 0 ) and symbol one  (1 ) is appear, we convert the zero nothing into one (1 ) by energy. Energy is decrease one point  and one point work increase. This is the formula work and energy. Write symbol one ( 1 ) below initial zero nothing. Move the wheel again, symbol one (1) is gone and symbol two is appear, write it below symbol one. Do this process continue, when symbol nine appear, write it below symbol eight. Now move slowly numeral wheel,  the compartment ten is appear. This is the compartment of numeral zero ten. But the symbol of numeral zero ten in hidden, The Arab technologist do not show "numeral zero ten" and "zero ten" in his number technology. So write the below symbol nine, numeral zero ten. Because, that compartment is the property of  numeral zero ten and numeral zero ten in hidden position. discover it and after 9 write numeral 0 ten.

Explanation: why Arab technologist do not show the valuable zeros in his number technology? Read answer

Difficulty: Four zeros on starting  point of the spinning wheel. He do not have facility that he show four zeros in his number system. Number system have only ten symbols like that: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  writing left to right. 

(Note): First zero symbol don't have value, this is "initial zero nothing" Read above, the theory of initial zero nothing. This is not a number, numeral or digit. only place holder or sign.


Facility: The Arab number technologist had facility, that he show without any polarity zero symbol, because he had two non polarity able zeros. So he choose for showing the symbol of non polarity zero (nothing). The difficulty of initial zero and terminal zero are solved. When he move the numeral wheel, the initial zero symbol is gone and numeral one appear. Its mean this was initial zero nothing. Like that:  0 1;  left hand of number one, is initial zero nothing. It has no value or don't have physical body. If  we add this zero like that 0 + 1 = 1, the value of number one do not disturb. 


Ancient world history: See the proof in Sanskrit (Hindu) number symbols, The world master mind, how he explained the theory of zero nothing. He draw and joint the symbols of zero and one together like that ( 9  ). Its mean 0 + 1 = 1 in Work system, and in Energy system 1 - 1 = 0  This is the true word history. The zero in number system don't have value. Because, Sanskrit philosopher write the number system left to right  as "Work System".


Difficulty of System Zero and Numeral Zero

He solved the problem initial and terminal zeros nothing. But he had two more valuable zeros, one is system zero ten and second numeral zero ten. Now how he will tell  these two zeros on numeral spinning wheel? Because first he decided that he showed only zero nothing to his number technology.

Facility: so he thought and made the mathematics of number system. Like that

                                         system zero ten: 100 =  0 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 

He add the numeral zero ten in system zero ten. Now only one zero to be left and it is the system zero ten (010).

Zero ten is "a" bundle of ten zeros. He can not show it to shape of zero. Because he decided the first that he show zero nothing to his number system. The shape of zero nothing and zero ten are same. It is not impossible

Solution: (010)zero ten is a complete system. It is bundle of ten zeros. He used the Geometry and changed the shape of zero ten in number one(1). He made the mathematics zero ten equal number one (100 = 1).

The machine packed the zero ten in a new bundle of one(1) and convert it on the second wheel on the left side, by trigging. This trigging system name is Trigger Zero ten. This is a mechanical zero. It use in number technology, not related with science. See explanation in trigger and drifting zero ten.


Base of Modern Mathematics:- Ten Digits or Ten Numerals Symbols and one Zero Nothing

     Structure of number ten

Structure of number one

 Old Spinning Wheel Machine

            OOO.O after starting

   initial  0 1 0 .0 terminal zeros


Theory of zero nothing, in number system

             OOO.O after starting

    initial  0 0 1 . 0 terminal zero


ten numerals in bundle of one

       OOO.O  before starting

       0 0 0 . 0 this is initial zeros

Only one time use


In very old time, the Arabs do not used the two symbols for number ten. They had only one symbol for number ten like that: 10. New Roman number system like old Arabic number system. Now Roman used the symbol "X" for number ten.  Ancient time the first number technologist discovered the two zeros, but he did not use the zeros in his valuable number system, and he introduced the two leveling lines to guide the construction of large structures and pyramids. When we start the machine, initial zero disappear and  numeral one is appear. on  the place  of  initial  zero. like  hat numeral  two came  after numeral one. So as 7,8, 9 comes. After the numeral nine the compartment of numeral zero ten, but numeral zero in hidden. there is not need to show it. We added it zero ten,  So terminal zero appears in the window, and we convert the system zero ten in new bundle and  new shape of number one, on the second left side wheel. See, think and understand the theory of initial zero nothing. Still we did not use the energy to starting the machine. Why we see initial zero? Because it is not a digit, only place holder, Roman did not use these zeros in his system. They leave empty place.

Zero nothing only one time we used in number technology.

Revision: Now count how many zero we found, two zeros. No1: initial zero nothing and No2: numeral zero ten. Now move the numeral wheel to end point. The end point of the wheel, terminal zero appear. This is thirds acts of the zero. Write this zero right or left side of the numeral zero ten like that 00 numeral zero and terminal zero. We made the numeral wheel as trigger wheel. when it reached to terminal point, the numeral wheel trig the left hand number wheel. The number wheel  move in one step. The zero symbol change into number one. The trigger zero give its value in the shape of number one on left side of the wheel. 

Trigger Zero: In number technology, the trigger zero ten collects all ten numerals and make a bundle and send left hand wheel by trigging. This is the subject of displacement. Trigger or system zero ten is same. System, zero ten is science  and trigger zero is its technology. So this is the forth zero on wheel, write it with terminal and numeral zeros. Like that four Zeros (0000) on a starting point of the wheel. 


  Technology of Zero Nothing in Line Levels

(Line Level: 1)

         0+  9+  8+  7+  6+  5-   4-  3  2-   1-     numeral system 

  >--I----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----I-->Line level  

      0>---------------------------------->1  number (1). 

 After nine the zero has positive polarity, it's natural value in numeral system is 0.1, place value ten       Below

In this line level system Left hand zero has no polarity, so this is "zero nothing". 

         .+     Structures of number one"    O-

Two Line levels System

               0+  9+  8+  7+  6+    1-   2  3-   4-    5numeral system

   -----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----I----Line level

         +.----------------->1<----------------O-  number (1).

( Line Level: 2)

In this line level system central zero has -/+ equal polarity, so its value is one. Last left hand zero has positive polarity, its value is point five(0.5+) right hand zero five is negative polarity.         In math: 

( 0.5+ + 0.5- = 1)       o- + .+ = 1



Number Technology

See what is the difference Between  Arabic and Roman Number Technology


Roman Technology                                       Arabic Technology


A digit = 1 number


Roman do not use the

zero nothing

 10:10                             1:10
 O.O  >-----Spinning Wheels----< O.O


A digit = 1 numeral


Zero symbol 


empty place

  X  .                                                                                 1 0
number ten                                                               number one

Akda Numeration


                     OOO.O                              Spinning Wheel Reading                         OOO.O

                     5  9 0. 0                                                                                             0 0 0.

          (590 number, no numerals).                                                                   (no number,6numerals)


 Arabic and Roman spinning wheel is same, difference in number technology. Arab physicist distribute the number one in ten parts and developed the ten numeral symbols. Each numeral symbol value is 0.1. In spinning wheel he collected the numerals and made a bundle of number one(1). He used the "finger point" to telling the difference between number and numerals, like that "0 . 3" its mean no number, only three numerals. 1 . 9 means one number and nine numerals, if write 1 . 0 its mean only one number, nothing numerals. Roman don't use the eleven symbols to his number system, like "zero" as place holder. He developed the number system and one digit is equal number one, like old Arabic number system. The Arab physicist explained the knowledge of  "Natural hidden and appearance"  laws such elaborately in their Numerals and Alphabets that one is stunned to observe the intelligence of a man from such an ancient civilization, who knew so intellectually and deeply about the Universe and the internal structure of an Atom. For sure, he was the inventor of "‘Zero’" and he introduced Alphabets and Numerals to the world. The Alphabets and Numerals of different languages of the world are based upon Arabic Alphabets and Numerals. Numerologists all around the world changed the shape of Alphabets and Numerals but they could not make them more meaningful than those of Arabic. This fact is proved in the book "ilm-Hikmat" and it is a fact that never can be such Alphabets and Numerals made in future more reasonable than those of Arabic due to the fact that they were not made of Humans own mind but they were revealed. Arabic Numerals started from the Stone Age and completed in the Age of the "Zero ten". The historic proof of these Numbers is provided in the book explaining the theory of the first complete machine of the world. The Archeologists of the present world only shows the Number value of these Numbers, they could not explain in according to the ancient Arabic civilization as they were not familiar with the "nature" of Arabs.

The ideology of Arabic Physicists are quite clear after looking at the arrangement and structure of Arabic Numeric shapes, that he "believed on division" of atom and he was the man to "introduced" Alphabets and numeral symbols to the world. If the Symbols One, Five, Zero "( 11,O5, .0 )"has been explained with such elaboration and in such an obvious way in another Numerology, then those Numerologists can claim to be the inventor of ‘Zero’. These are not represented in another Numerology. So to say that ‘Zero’ is an Indian Number is wrong and in Sanskrit Numbers, there are no such Symbols. 

Old Arabic Number System                                                        Heu god 

World first math history: The ancient expert number technologist maybe 3,000 B. C. His name was Heu god. He converted the (Hash Mark) Strokes system numeration into big bundling system. If you are interested in ancient history Click on blue hyperlink and See Thinking of Heu god, Without Power how can drive a machine (wheel). Theory of Power, Energy and Work. The inventor of number system and technology. He introduce the two zero levels and  finger point, which used ancient period and till today. How Arab World master converted the Hash Mark Numeration into big numbers bundling system, and the theory of finger point, -, + rotation of spinning wheel. 

See in that page. Ancient Egyptian Number System.


Classification of matter

Appearance body. Invisible body forces Physical bodies of crystal are groping. Attraction and gravitons are invisible forces, how can show in numeral symbol? If I write that "A line" or symbol of one 90o "or a plan surface 180o" or a circle classification in 360o degree, it’s not wrong in numerical science. Because we cannot see gravity or attraction forces on matter bodies. These are invisible forces. How can we explain them in numerals coding symbols? When we division the invisible body, we show its in degrees wise. So this is not wrong. If it is wrong, you correct it and tell me the exact solution. It is necessary to know the Numerology in order to understand the structure of molecule or to construct the energy level or orbit. Aside from the structure of molecule, this numeral seems to represent many explanations of God wisdom. The treasures of wisdom are hidden in these simple looking. 1,1, I different types of cods of ones, simple and meaningful, left to right 45o, 90o and zero degree or no angular turn.

Roman numerology:  Numeral value one ( I- )  45o-    

Division of a magnet cube different parts and degrees wise in numerical science. This is “( I )”Code of a rectangle. Classification or division of “a rectangle” in numeral system 1; 45o- it is not wrong. The shape of rectangle like as symbol one (I). How can we convert it in code of numeral symbol, that it shows us magnitude values, polarity and degrees to its own shape?

Explanation of Roman one: " I ".

Matter classification by degree wise in numerical science. Symbol:  “I- ”;  this cod is enough, Its not necessary that I write a large paragraph like below paragraph.

Numeral one is a code of rectangle of square magnet cube. Polarity negative region. Numeral value one, matter classification by degrees wise 45o. Above and below horizontal small lines are shown minimum and maximum of potential kinetic energy of attraction force of a rectangle in permanent Magnet square cube, 0 to 45o negative. 

0>---------->45o-. one right angel force.

Symbol of umber one don’t have angular turn, why it is 45o degrees angular?

In simple geometry a linear line is zero degree, but in numerical science we do not use the principal of simple geometry. Because we are shown and explain the potential kinetic energy of matter and classified it in degrees wise in code of (1). 

The code of one not a geometrical zero line, we are shown rectangle potential energy of a magnetic part of a magnet. The magnetic field on a square magnet cube is spherical shape. Ancient physicist explained this magnetic field to his numerals symbols and showed by degree wise.